
フラーの遺伝子を引き継いだTHE NORTH FACEのイクイップメントは革新を続ける


Seeking harmony with the Earth, and looking at the universal nature of the universe
Buckminster Fuller advocated ideas with the potential
to fundamentally transform human life

In the natural environment that surrounds us,
sometimes delicately, sometimes overwhelmingly,
THE NORTH FACE equipment continues to transform and innovate,
perpetuating Fuller’s lineage

Sensitive to the variety of symptoms that exist on our Earth
And producing fresh flashes of inspiration

Aiming to be the very best trimtab

VE 25

[Weight] 4.31 kg [Size] D 264 × W 216 × H 122 cm [Stuffpack Size] 61 × 23 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 3 [Floor Area] 4.5 m2
より強く、より軽くなった4シーズン&極地対応のエクスペディション用テント。 ジオデシック構造とテンセグリティ理論に基づいた世界初の ドーム型テントの系譜を継ぐ。室内の居住空間を可能な限り広め、 強風にも耐える強さを両立。未踏の地に挑み続けてきた多くの アスリートをサポートしてきたSummit Series™の一つ。
This expedition tent designed for four-season use and severe conditions is now stronger and lighter. It continues the lineage of the world’s first dome tent based on a geodesic structure and tensegrity technology. The inside is as spacious as possible, but the tent can still withstand strong winds. This is part of the Summit Series™ collection of products that support athletes exploring untrodden ground.

Mountain 25

[Weight] 4.0 kg [Size] D 218 × W 137 × H 104 cm [Stuffpack Size] 61 × 18 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 2 [Floor Area] 3.0 m2
強靭な耐久性を備えた4シーズン&極地対応のエクスペディション用テント。 ドーム型のクロスポール設計は、最小の素材で 最大の強度と居住空間をもつジオデシック・ドーム理論を採用。 高品質なだけでなく、地球上のあらゆる過酷な環境でも快適に使用できる Summit Series™の中で、コンパクトな2人用のテント。
This expedition tent designed for four-season use and severe conditions is strong and durable. The domed cross-pole design uses geodesic dome technology to maximize room inside while maintaining maximum strength and minimizing use of materials. This is a compact, two-person tent from the Summit Series™ that, in addition to top quality, provides comfort in harsh environments around the world.

FP 1

[Weight] 1.29 kg [Size] D 220 × W 90 × H 105 cm [Stuffpack Size] 53 × 16 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 1 [Floor Area] 1.69 m2
軽量さと快適な空間を両立した、3シーズン対応の1人用テント。 日本の山岳環境に合わせた企画開発により、 日本アルプス山岳シーンを射程とした機能を結集。 高温多湿な日本の山から着想を得て、効果的な換気を促す ハイ・ローベンチレーションと高い防水性を誇るフライシートを採用。 春から秋にかけての山行に一歩先の快適さを提案。
This is a three-season single-person tent that is both lightweight and comfortable. Planned and developed to meet the conditions found in Japan’s mountains, it brings together all the functions required by alpinists in the Japanese alps. Inspired by the high temperature and humidity of mountainous areas of Japan, it incorporates high-low venting design to ensure effective ventilation, and a highly water-resistant fly. For hiking from spring through autumn, this tent represents a step forward in comfort.

Talus 3

[Weight] 2.5 kg [Size] D 226 × W 160 × H 117 cm [Stuffpack Size] 58 × 21 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 3 [Floor Area] 3.6 m2
ゆとりのある室内空間と、左右2つの出入り口をもつ3人用テント。 テント内に効果的な通気をもたらす、 ハイ・ローベンチレーションを採用。PUコーティングとシームシーリングで 防水性と耐久性を兼ね備えたフライシートとバスタブ構造のフロア。 キャノピーは、蒸し暑い夏の夜空も涼しく快適に過ごせるフルメッシュ構造。
This is a 3-person tent with a spacious interior and doors on both sides. A high-low venting design is used to ensure effective ventilation. To provide both durability and water-resistance PU coating and seam-sealing are used for the fly, and there is a bathtub-structure floor. The canopy has a full mesh structure to keep the inside cool and comfortable under hot and humid night skies.

Stormbreak 2

[Weight] 2.41 kg [Size] D 221 × W 127 × H 109 cm [Stuffpack Size] 56 × 18 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 2 [Floor Area] 2.84 m2
ベーシックなクロスドーム形状で容易に設営でき、バックパッキング、 キャンプ等多様なシチュエーションで頼りとなる2人用テント。 THE NORTH FACEがテクニカルプロダクトで培ってきた、 居住性や耐久性、防風性などの機能性を継承しながら、 手軽に使える入門用テントとして開発されたエントリーモデル。
This is a basic cross-dome two-person tent that is easy to pitch and dependable in a wide range of situations including backpacking and at the campground. Inheriting the practical comfort, durability, wind-resistance, and other functionality developed for THE NORTH FACE technical products, this is an entry model designed as an easy tent for beginners.

Wawona 6

[Weight] 8.7 kg [Size] D 256 × W 302 × H 195 cm [Stuffpack Size] 82 × 26 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 6 [Floor Area] 8.0 m2
広いリビングフロアと大きな前室をもつ6人用の大型シングルウォールテント。 高い天井高を誇る空間では立つこともでき、 メッシュ構造の広い開口は開放的な視界と類を見ない通気性を実現。 カラー・コードによる組み立てやすいデザイン、横風への強さ、 持ち運びが容易な軽量さをも兼ね備えたモンスターテント。
This is a large single-wall tent designed for six persons with a spacious living floor and large vestibule. The space features ceilings high enough to stand beneath, and the large mesh-structured windows enable expansive views and unrivalled ventilation. Despite being a monster tent, it has a color-coded easy-pitch design, resists side-winds, and is lightweight, making it easy to carry.

Wawona 4

[Weight] 5.3 kg [Size] D 220 × W 241 × H 182 cm [Stuffpack Size] 69 × 26 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 4 [Floor Area] 5.4 m2
広々とした空間とフルスタンドアップの高さを確保した4人用のシングルウォールテント。 ゆとりをもって就寝できる居住空間と、カラー・コードによる 組み立てやすいデザインの理想的なファミリーテント。 収納用ダッフルバッグと5.3kgという軽量さ、3本のポールのみという シンプルな構造により、スピーディーなテントサイトへの移動と収納を実現。
This is a four-person, single-wall tent with a very spacious interior and sufficient height to stand up fully. Providing ample room to sleep in comfort, and using a color-coded easy-pitch design, this is an ideal family tent. Including the duffel bag for storage, this tent weighs only 5.3 kg. Together with its simple structure using only 3 poles, this enables speedy transportation to the space where you pitch your tent and speedy packing.

Homestead Roomy 2

[Weight] 2.78 kg [Size] D 223 × W 165 × H 117 cm [Stuffpack Size] 56 × 20 cm [Sleeping Capacity] 2 [Floor Area] 3.69 m2
大胆なパターンに隠された秀逸なデザインが魅力のホームステッドコレクションは、 ワンランク上のアウトドアを提案。フル装備の2人用テントでありながら、 典型的な同規模テントより50%以上の空間を実現。 重量2.78kgと女性でも容易に持ち運びでき、いかなるキャンプサイトでも、 組み立てやすく、リラックスできる就寝空間を提供。
The Homestead Collection tents are attractive for their clever designs camouflaged by bold patterns, and provide a one-rank-higher outdoor experience. This two-person tent, is full-featured, but provides 50% more room than typical tents of similar scale. With a weight of only 2.78 kg, it can be easily carried by someone who is not particularly strong. Regardless of the type of campsite, it is easy to assemble and provides a sleeping space conducive to relaxing.

Homestead Shelter

[Weight] 4.68 kg [Size] D 342 × W 342 × H 206 cm [Stuffpack Size] 69 × 19 cm [Floor Area] 8.13 m2
キャンプやビーチなどでの日よけスペースとして様々なシーンで幅広く使える、 頑健性と耐候性を兼ね備えたベーステント。設営しやすいクロスポール構造に加え、 200cm以上のゆとりある高さで快適なスペースを保持。キャンプサイトでの 居住性を高める機能とシーズン毎の個性的なデザインで遊び心溢れるスタイルを提案。
A useful shelter that brings shaded space to a wide range of scenes including campsites, beaches, and other leisure areas. Sturdy and weather-resistant, it makes a useful basecamp. In addition to its easy-pitch cross-pole structure, it is over 200cm tall, providing a full-height, comfortable area. Including functions to enhance the comfort of your campsite, and a range of individualistic designs keyed to the seasons, this is a playful, stylish shelter.
Inferno -29

Inferno -29

[Weight] R: 1,503 g / Lg: 1,616 g [Fits up to] R: 183 cm / Lg: 201 cm [Stuffed Volume] 51 × 28 cm [Temperature Rating] -29°C
過酷な環境での活動を叶える、最高品質のエクスペディション用スリーピングバッグ。 その名「Inferno」を体現するシュラフシリーズの一つ。 撥水性がある800フィルパワーのProDown™を採用し、中わたの保温効率を 最大限に活かすトラぺゾイド・バッフル構造。立体的なフードとドローコード、 足を自由に動かすことができるボルテッド・フットボックス設計で、 氷点下の世界でアスリートを支えてきたSummit Series™の一つ。
Highest quality expedition sleeping bag that enables you to operate in harsh environments. This is one of a series of bags that realize performance as if reproducing the “Inferno” that they are named after. Water-repellent 800-fill ProDown™ and a trapezoid baffle structure are incorporated to take full advantage of the heat retention of the fill material. Including a shaped hood and cinch-cord, together with a vaulted footbox that uses a shaped design to allow the feet freedom of movement, this bag is part of the Summit Series™ that that supports athletes in a below-freezing world.

Blue Kazoo

[Weight] R: 1,106 g / Lg: 1,162 g [Fits up to] R: 183 cm / Lg: 198 cm [Stuffed Volume] 44 × 23 cm [Temperature Rating] -7°C
3シーズンを通し優れたパフォーマンスを発揮する、効率的なデザインの -7℃対応のスリーピングバッグ。立体的に設計されゆったりした構造のフットボックス、 フィット感を高めたフードなどで、無駄なヒートロスを軽減。 THE NORTH FACE社創業当時から続くスリーピングバッグの系譜の中でも その名が継承され続けてきた、汎用性の高いモデル。
Three-season sleeping bag with efficient design for performance down to -7°C. Heat loss is reduced by features such as a shaped footbox designed to provide ample space, and a hood with enhanced fit. This is a versatile general purpose model, its name inherited from the range of sleeping bags that THE NORTH FACE has been producing ever since its founding.

W Blue Kazoo

[Weight] R: 1,503 g / Lg: 1,616 g [Fits up to] R: 168 cm / Lg: 183 cm [Stuffed Volume] 44 × 23 cm [Temperature Rating] -9°C
登山やバックパッキングに理想的な、3シーズン用-9℃対応のスリーピングバッグ。 暖かさと快適さを向上させる形状、ヒートロスを軽減させる設計を ベースに女性の身体に合わせたデザインにより、 胸部と脚部には最適温度を確保。水濡れに強いProDown™を使用。
A three-season sleeping bag rated at -9°C, ideal for mountaineering and backpacking. Shaped to enhance warmth and comfort, it is based on a design for reducing heat-loss, with women-specific fit, ensuring that chest and legs are kept at optimum temperatures. Water-resistant ProDown™ insulation is used.

Gold Kazoo

[Weight] R: 850 g / Lg: 907 g [Fits up to] R: 183 cm / Lg: 198 cm [Stuffed Volume] 33 × 21 cm [Temperature Rating] 2°C
3シーズンの低山や夏の高山に理想的な2℃対応のスリーピングバッグ。 頭部、背部、臀部、踵部の圧力が集中する箇所には、 潰れにくく熱効率を高める特長を持つ長繊維のクライマシールド™プリズムを配置し、 底冷えを軽減。素材と構造の両方で、 1リットルの水より軽い重量と暖かさをバランス良く両立したモデル。
This is a three-season bag with a 2°C temperature rating ideal for lower mountains or higher mountains in summer. To reduce chilliness by raising heat efficiency and resisting collapse, long-fiber Climashield™ PRISM is used in head, back, buttocks, and heels areas where pressure tends to concentrate. In this model, the material and structure are optimized to achieve a good balance between lightness and warmth, producing a bag that is lighter than a liter of water.

Campforter 2

[Weight] R: 1,077 g [Fits up to] R: 183 cm [Stuffed Volume] 38 × 20 cm [Temperature Rating] 2°C
本体の上下に異なった素材を採用し、寝袋、キャンプキルトと 昼夜で使い分けが可能な多目的スリーピングバッグ。 ゆとりのある形状で快適な睡眠を追求。軽さと保温力が求められる上部には、 高品質の650フィルパワーの撥水プロダウン™を封入。 ジップオフ構造で、大きく展開することで、布団としても使用可能。
Versatile sleeping bag with different materials for top and bottom, enabling it to be used as a sleeping bag by night and a camp quilt by day. Relaxed cut promotes comfortable sleep. The upper part of the bag is designed for lightness and heat retention, incorporating high-quality 650-fill ProDown™ water-resistant insulation. The zip-off structure enables the bag to be opened wide, and the top can be used as a quilt.

Aleutian 4

[Weight] R: 992 g / Lg: 1,077 g [Fits up to] R: 183 cm / Lg: 198 cm [Stuffed Volume] 41 × 23 cm [Temperature Rating] 4°C
春秋を中心とした3シーズン活躍する汎用性の高いスリーピングバッグ。 濡れても保温力を失いにくいヒートシーカー™ECOの化繊中わたを封入。 ヒートロスを軽減するフード部分のドローコードと、足形に成型した ボルテッド・フットボックス構造。ゆとりのある大きめのマミーカットデザイン。 内部には、ヘッドランプや時計などが収納できる小物ポケットを完備。
A versatile three-season sleeping bag that is particularly suited to spring and autumn. Filled with synthetic Heatseeker™ Eco insulation that still retains heat when wet. This bag incorporates a hood cinch-cord to reduce heat loss, and a vaulted footbox structured to fit the feet. The large mummy-cut design is roomy. Inside the bag there is a pocket for storing small items such as headlamps and watches.

Youth Aleutian -7

[Weight] R: 1,304 g [Fits up to] R: 152 cm [Stuffed Volume] 41 × 23 cm [Temperature Rating] -7°C
大人用と同じ多目的かつ耐久性をもつ、子ども向けスリーピングバッグ。 軽量でフラットに展開できる構造により、春秋を中心とした3シーズンを通して暖かく、 はじめてのキャンプでも安心の寝心地を実現。蒸し暑い夜でも対応できるよう、 足元まであるファスナーデザインを採用。
A sleeping bag for kids with the same versatility and durability as the adult version. The bag is lightweight and the structure allows it to open up and lie flat. Particularly useful in spring and autumn, this three-season bag is warm and provides a comfortable home-like sleep, reassuring first-time campers. The fastener design enables the bag to be unzipped all the way down and around the feet, enabling the bag to be used on hot, humid nights.

Homestead Twin 4

[Weight] R: 1,559 g [Fits up to] R: 198 cm [Stuffed Volume] 46 × 26 cm [Temperature Rating] 4°C
キャンプをより手軽に楽しみたいというコンセプトで作られている ホームステッドコレクションの2人用スリーピングバッグ。大きく開閉することができ、 2つを組み合わせると、ツインマットレスサイズにまで広げることが可能。 普段の寝具を思わせるほどに快適な寝心地。 移動時には、簡易的なデイパックとなるスタッフサックが付属。
A two-person sleeping bag designed in line with the Homestead Collection concept of making camping more comfortable and user friendly. It opens fully so that two bags can be zipped together to make a sleeping bag as large as a twin mattress. And it provides a comfortable sleep, similar to your bedding at home. When you’re on the move, the stuffsack becomes a simple day-pack.